Friday, February 13, 2009

Blogging Goes Topical

The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia. Which makes sense.

Apparently there are approximately 17-21 million people in the United States that suffer from this fear.

There are two things in the world of which I am scared:

1. Having a friend make me talk to one of his or her friends that I have never met on the phone. There are only so many things that you can say to them. Examples include:
a. "Hey!" (followed by nervous laughter, which is ultimately concluded with an awkward silence)
b. "I've heard a lot about you". Which will definitely be followed with the stranger saying "All goods things I hope?" And then you will fake laugh hysterically and say "oh, i don't know" in a way that suggests that you actually have heard millions of terrible things about the stranger.

2. This sketch: In regards to this drawing:
a. Why does this toddler have such long flowing hair?
b. Why does she look like a dinosaur?
c. Why is she wearing the same outfit that I wore the first day of classes my 2nd year of college?

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